Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Capturing a moment with a 4 year old, from both sides of the camera

I know, I know.  I haven't posted about Boston yet.  That post will be coming soon.  In the meantime, there are lots of things that go on behind the scenes in my every day life that are fun to post about, too!

Mama has a spiffy camera, and she is learning how to use it.  Naturally, she chose ME to be her prime victim, er, um...model!  I'll tell you what a typical photo session is like with her.  It is SERIOUS business!  There is NO room for goofiness, shenanigans, or Tom foolery!  No, there is NO goofy business allowed during her photo shoots.  Naturally, I am ALWAYS cooperative and smile perfectly for every shot!  It is SUCH A LONG and TIRING process!  I often wonder, are their child labor laws or something?  I mean, I have FUN, but I get so tired acting so calm, sitting still, and cooperating for SO LONG!!!

I mean, it seems simple!  I sit there, she takes some photos. . .DONE!  I don't do anything out of the ordinary.  I act very professional.  No monkeying around! 

Did someone say monkies?  Oooo!  I love monkies!  And turtles. . .and princesses.  Oh!  I love princesses.  I want a Tiana doll, and a pirate Pez dispenser with chocolate Pez in it. . .I like to eat candy, but Mama says not before bed.  I wonder why?  It tastes good ANY time of day, especially right before dinner and bedtime.  I have a princess bed.  I don't always sleep in it, but we're working on that.  There is a shadow on the ceiling when the night light is on that looks like a bunny.  I like that.  It watches over me.  You know who else watches over me?  God, and PopPop from heaven.  PopPop loved root beer.  I like root beer, too!  It makes me burp.  Burping is FUN!  But don't try to MAKE yourself burp because you might throw up.  Yuck.  I don't like throwing up.  Do turtles throw up?  I wonder if turtles drink root beer? Do they like chocolate Pez?  I wonder if they make lettuce and carrot Pez?  I bet they'd like that more.  I love salad.  Wait.  What was I saying?  Something about goofy pirate princess monkies who drink chocolate root beer and sleep on turtle beds?  No, that doesn't sound right.  But remind me to tell my mom to write down an idea I have for a story book!  Know what it'll be about?  NO not turtles, monkies, or pirate princesses!  Who wants to read about that?  My story will be about dog mermaid who goes to school on the moon who eats a poison apple and falls asleep until a handsome cat prince toots and wakes her up!  It'll be great.

OK.  What was I talking about?  (My concentration has really improved since I turned 4)   

***running in a circle***twirling***flopping backwards after attempting to do a handstand***

Oh, I was talking about taking pictures, that's right.  Let's see what really happens when Mama gets her camera out.  I am telling you.  It is really boring and I have NO fun, and it lasts for HOURS and HOURS and HOURS. . .

See for yourself:

Ho hum.  Just another typical afternoon. . .

Well, let's see what the world looks like upside down!

Messmer Monster face!

OK, are we done yet?
Hmmm, just how big are my lips anyway?  It's hard to see them over my nose. . .

Oh yeah!  I can finally make fishy lips!!!

Time to ponder life. . .I love mommy and daddy. . .

. . .and lunch. . .I love mac and cheese. . .

Time to clean up!
I'm using my pinkies, so I look dainty when I pick my nose!
(I'm also being efficient by picking both nostrils at the same time)

Time to exercise!  Mama says it is good for you. . .Apparently, I prefer to do it without pants. 
I swear, I had pants on a second ago???

Look!  I found a tutu! 
I can balance on one foot!

. . .and fall down!

being a ballerina is tough. . .I need to think of  something easier

short break to kiss the cat


more laughing

phew!  I need a hydration break.  This is hard work, and my mouth is dry from all the laughing  

Now that my whistle is wet, I will sing!

singing. . .singing. . .singing. . .

and  now, SCREAMING!!!!
(not sure why, but sometimes when I sing, I like to scream.  It really captures my audience's attention)

More monsters!!!  Now that is something to scream about!!!  EEK!

End of photo session relaxation.
Finding my quiet, happy place. . .but don't let this pose fool you!
Total elapsed time: 8 hours minutes  

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