Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Christmas Tookies with Mountains of Frinkles!

Every year, Mama and I make Christmas Tookies together :) Mama does not make tookies from scratch often, so it is a treat for us all! No really! They are super yummy :) (usually she bakes the ready-to-bake cookie dough) Her favorites are the snowball tookies. But, my favorite are. . .well, pretty much anything made with sugar that I can pile high with frinkles! See for yourselves in the video below. I think I did a pretty good job! Not many people are talented enough to pile THAT much frinkles on cookie after cookie, and have them stay intact. . .well, until we ate them of course.

What? Who me? Nah, I wasn't sampling the frinkles! Why do you ask?
Frinkle sampling
Frinkle piling
Confetti fingers!
Beautiful frinkle loaded tookies!!!

VIDEO: Um, Hannah? Perhaps you would like some cookies with your sprinkles? :)

Well, it is all about the decorations and how much "frinkles" you can pile on top of the Christmas tookies, ya know! So, Mama gave me free reign of my creative cookie decorating juices, and let me use as much frinkles as I wanted to make my tookies pretty!

We had such a good time :) I can't wait until next year! Mama better start stocking up on more bottles of frinkles. I have big plans. BIG PLANS! (Is it possible to make a cookie as big as my dining room table? Hmmmm. . .wonder how many frinkles that cookie would need?)

*Mama's note: Take out stock in frinkle manufacturing companies!

1 comment:

ThomasFunnyFarm said...

Okay, so why were WE not invited to this Christmas tookie decorating event? That would be the only thing that could possibly have made it better....three more kids making a mess at your house. I expect to be a part of this tradition next year!!! heheheh Cute!!!!