Thursday, October 16, 2008


While we were visiting my dad for the second time in Michigan, Hannah got to hang out with all of her cousins! This was the 1st time all of them had met Hannah and they had such a good time together :) My sister Cassandra has 5 kids and my sister Kim has two kids. . .counting Hannah, that's a total of 8 grandkids for my parents!

One of the highlights of the visit was going apple picking at an orchard close to my parents' house. Only six of Hannah's cousins joined us for apple picking. Baby Fulton was at home keeping his mama busy and keeping Pop pop entertained. . .he is a master smiler and drooler (the baby, not my dad! ha ha) :)

The kids picked apples in record time and they were DELICIOUS!!! I wish I could have taken a bushel back with me.

Hannah and her cousins getting ready to go apple picking!
from the top: Ryan, Logan, CJ, Shannon, Nikki, Caroline, and of course Hannah :)

Hmmmm. My bag appears to be empty. . .
Where are the apples?

Caroline found some!!!
My mom found ONE! I guess the kids, who picked apples like a whirlwind and emptied two trees in about 15 minutes, were kind and left one on the tree for her to pick :)

Shannon found a bunch!
Logan, looking adorable and very Little House on the Prarie in this photo :)

Me and my little ankle biter
Posing for a picture to show off the FRUITS of their labor . . .
Ummmm. . .momentary insanity broke out! Apparently Kim and my mom thought my apple was better than theirs but I refused to give it up, no matter how big their mouths are and how scary they looked! :)

Hmmmm. I wonder how many of these apples I can smuggle out of here?
This is a pretty one!

Walking back to the farm with ONE apple in the bucket. That was about all she could balance :) Her little legs are too short for her to carry much more weight!

OK, maybe one apple in each hand will do. But that was really her max.

Coming back after a hard days work in the apple orchard.
Uh oh! Not at ALL happy about mommy taking her apple bucket away from her :( We had to give it back and she wanted to keep it :( She eventually settled for the apple bag instead, but it was a tough fight! Bless her little heart. It looks like her whole world came crashing down! Don't you just want to scoop her up and give her a big hug??? :)

Caroline, Nikki, Hannah, and Shannon

The farm dog thought Hannah was quite tasty! He came back for a second helping later. . .don't worry Hannah is used to it :)

A cute video of Hannah walking back to the farm after apple picking :)

1 comment:

ThomasFunnyFarm said...

Okay, looks like you guys are having fun too. Those apples DO look yummy. I hope Pinky (Mr. Fish's real name) doesn't have a heart attack before we return. Just as long as you don't decide to have a fish smoothie, I suppose we are okay.

We are missing you guys, but as you can see, life on the farm is pretty exciting. Talk to you soon.